Kiln and test-tiles

October 30, 2008 at 5:02 pm (About my process) (, , , , , , , , )

So I work at a group studio. I like working at group studios, because I like seeing people. The down side is that I have to compete with people for the kiln due to the way the studio has set up the kiln. :/ So I managed to wriggle into someone else’s kiln last minute and he loaded it. Unfortunately there was a miss communication (my fault) and he loaded all my test-tiles.

Now I know this doesn’t sound too bad, but I’m trying to run tests of all the glazes over all the glazes. There are 20 of them and not a lot of test tiles that show what happens when you put one over the other. So I told him my test-tiles have priority. So he loaded all the test tiles, including 13 that were just one single glaze. Ergh. Toss and move on.

I also got some nice results on some cups and bowls. Some not so nice results on mugs, I was trying to do too much. Ergh. So back to work.

I’ll post some pictures of the results later. 🙂

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